🔍How do I find...? (SPOILERS)
How do I get Mosaic pieces?
It is possible to get Mosaic pieces by leaving a Level 1, 2, or 3 Vase on your Garage Board for a number of hours. See what happens once tha...
How do I grow a Peony Flower?
Good question! The starting point is to make a Level 6 or above Vase. The Vases will spawn Peony Flower Seeds which you can merge up to high...
Where does Paint come from?
The Toolbox is your friend! Although it's worth remembering, Paint is quite rare. It can also be found in the Flash Sale and Trade Item Rewa...
How do I make a Bench?
Well, often times the best Benches are made from wood, so we're going to need some logs for that. To make Logs, we need a Level 5 Tree. To m...
Where does Yarn come from?
Well, naturally, Yarn comes from the highest level Moths!
How do I get Detergent?
To get Detergent, you need to get yourself a good old Broom Cabinet. Detergent is one of the items that can be gotten by merging items from ...
How do I get Planted Flowers?
Planted Flowers come from the Blossoming Bush. Blossoming Bushes produce Planted Flower Seeds, which can be merged up to a level 9 Planted F...
How do I get a Golden Seed?
Golden Seeds are created once you merge two Level 4 Empty Seed Bags. Empty Seed Bags are created after Seed Bags (which are spawned by the F...
How do I get Tape Measure?
The Tape Measure is part of the Maintenance Tools chain. Maintenance Tools are produced by the Workbench. To create a Workbench, open Red Ch...
How do I get the Powered Drill?
You can get the Powered Drill by merging the Pencil up to Level 10 which is the Powerless Drill. Adding one Rechargeable Battery to the Powe...
How do I get the Powered Flashlight?
You can get the Powered Flashlight by merging the Pencil up to a Level 3 Flashlight and feeding it two batteries.
How do I get the Computer Password?
To get the password in the Study, tap on Grandma’s Ledger. Two types of items will drop: Stamps and, occasionally, Ledger pages.Half a Passw...
How do I get an Edge Strip?
You can get an Edge Strip by merging Thick Planks Level 1 up to Level 7. Thick Planks are produced from activated Recycled Wood.Tapping on a...
How do I get Charred Wood?
You can get more Charred Wood from Charred Debris!To get Charred Debris, you can complete the repeatable task "Gather Charred Debris from th...
Do I need a Table Saw to make Wooden Planks in Heikki's Sauna?
Short answer: No!To make Wooden Planks, follow these steps:Get Recycled Wood:Empty the ‘A Piece of Debris’ Level 1 producer of all its nails...
How do I get the Multi Tool Lock Pick?
How to Get the Multi Tool Lock Pick:Get a Beginner Lock Pick Level 1, from the Basic Lock Pick Set producer.Merge a Beginner Lock Pick Level...
How do I get the Magnifying Lens?
How to Get the Magnifying Lens:The Magnifying Lens comes from Charlie's Kit. Since it's more valuable, it doesn't drop as often as Hexagon N...
How can I get a Metronome?
How to Get a Metronome:Sit at the Broken Grand Piano and play the Merge Mansion Main Theme to find the Metronome. Use the Metronome to fill ...
How do I play Clean Crotchets from the Broken Grand Piano?
Start with the Broken Grand Piano:Playing it will drop Cranky Crotchet Level 1 notes. Merge these notes up to Abominable Melody Level 8. Im...
How can I get “Playing the Working Piano” Level 2?
How to Get "Playing the Working Piano" Level 2:Merge two “Playing the Broken Piano” Level 1 (filled with Metronomes) to get “Playing the Wor...
How can I get “Playing the Restored Piano” Level 3?
"Playing the Restored Piano" Level 3 is in the same merge chain as:"Playing the Broken Piano" Level 1 "Playing the Working Piano" Level 2 M...
How can I get the Water Bucket producer?
How to Get the Water Bucket Producer:Complete the repeatable task “Get water from the Old Well.” Tap the ‘Complete’ button to exchange 25 En...
How can I get the Medium Watering Can?
How to Get the Medium Watering Can:Tap on the Water Bucket producer to drop Water Droplets Level 1. Merge Water Droplets up to Level 5 to ge...
Plumber’s Tool Bag
The new Bathroom area comes with a new producer called the Plumber’s Tool Bag which is received as a reward for one of the tasks in this are...
Gallery's Old Map
The Gallery Old Map is the producer that you will need in the Gallery area. The Gallery Old Map drops the Panama Hat Level 1 which can be me...
How to get a Beech Tree Seed?
To get seeds from the trees, you need to keep tapping on the Beech Trees and while it will produce Single Logs most of the time, there is a ...
How to Get Scarabs (Spoilers)
Firstly, you need Vases. Gather the Peony Seeds that they drop and merge them until you reach level 5 or above. Peony flowers of these level...
How to get Exotic Plants?
The Exotic Plants are obtained from the Seedling Kit. This Kit is granted once you progress enough through the Conservatory. You should have...
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