🔷Resources & Boosters
Where do I buy extra Gems and Coins?
We have made some updates to the Shop, so that now, if you wish to buy gems or coins, just press on the Gems or Coins at the top of the Merg...
I accidentally deleted an item I need. What now?
If you accidentally delete an important item like a Tool Barrel and can't continue without it, check the Flash Sales in the Shop in case the...
How does Unlimited Energy work?
When you get the Unlimited Energy Booster on your Board, just tap on it to activate it. No energy will be consumed for the duration of the B...
How do the Scissors work?
To use the Scissors Booster, just drag it onto the item that you would like to split into two of its lower levels. Just make sure that there...
How does Boulton’s Lightning Card work?
Dragging this Booster onto any Producer with a Lightning symbol will upgrade the item to its next level. This Booster cannot be used with an...
How does Ursula’s Blue Card work?
Dragging this Booster onto any item which does not have a Lightning symbol will upgrade the item to its next level. This Booster cannot be u...
Introducing the Producer Booster
Our brand-new booster in the game is the Producer Booster! Once activated, you can tap on Producers as many times as you wish as long as the...
Why is my Producer Booster activated when I haven't tapped on it?
Your Producer Booster will become active the moment that you place it on your Main Board. Make sure to place 8 producers next to it in order...
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