Welcome to Merge Mansion!
The goal of Merge Mansion is to help Maddie restore Grandma's mansion and uncover its many mysteries. To do so you need to merge items on th...
How can I find out the merge chain of a particular item?
When you have an item on the Merge Board, you can tap on the blue [i]-button in the upper right corner of the information box to see the mer...
Why can't I make any more items by tapping?
Producers, like the Tool Barrel, go into a cooldown period after being emptied. During this time, they can't produce items. After the cooldo...
A Chest is open but I can’t seem to get any items out of it. What could that be?
If an open Chest is not producing any items when tapping on it, please have a look around the Merge Board to check if there are available sp...
How do I know what I should do next?
To discover the next task for Maddie, check out the Task List! You can access it by tapping the "task icon" with checkmarks at the bottom ri...
How do I sell items?
You can sell items directly on the Merge Board. To do so, select the item you want to sell on the board by pressing on it. You will then see...
What can I use Coins for?
Coins can be used for a variety of purposes in Merge Mansion. Within the Shop, they can be used to purchase Flash Sale items, Daily Deals, a...
How much longer I need to wait before I can collect more items again?
The Clock icon in the top right corner of an item will indicate how long it will take before you can start creating items again. Select...
How do I make use of the items covered in cobwebs?
To remove items that are covered in cobwebs, merge them with matching items on the Merge Board
How do I get to the events in Merge Mansion?
Events are activated as you progress in Merge Mansion. The further you get in the game, the closer you’ll be to reaching them! Most events a...
Where do I buy extra energy?
Whenever you run out of energy, you will be given the chance to buy more Energy in exchange for Gems. You can also purchase energy before th...
How do I use the Table Saw?
Several tasks in the Rufus' Park area require Wooden Planks and/or Carpenter Tools to be completed. These items are produced by the Table Sa...
The Red Chest
The Red Chest can be merged up to Level 2 and with every drop, you have the chance to get Scissors, an Hourglass, Bronze Coins, Energy, and ...
Great Hall
The Mansion has been opened and the first area to explore inside is the Great Hall. This area becomes available upon completing the Lighthou...
Why do I need to complete the "Get water from the Old Well" task multiple times?
You actually don't have to!The "Get water from the Old Well" task is repeatable, which means that you can complete it as many times as you n...
Trades are a way for you to get some help in progressing through your main tasks.Here is how trades work:The rewards for these trades will u...
Where can I find the Trades?
The Trades can be found in your tasklist button. When you open it, you have two tabs: the left one shows your regular tasks and the right ta...
How can I open the Shipping Container?
A Hammer and a Crowbar is all you need to open the Shipping Container.
How does the card game in the Lounge area work?
To play the card game in the Lounge Area, you will have to use the Lounge Cards producer for one of the tasks. Once you tap on it, it will p...
How can I unlock the Secret Society area?
Requirements:- Reach the Lounge area- Reach Mosaic level 13*Mosaic level 13 provides the item "THE book of codes" which will be needed for t...
What is the Mysterious Painting?
The Mysterious painting is a new mini-game in the dance floor that will ask you for Restoration items from the Conservation Toolbox. Each Ta...
How to get producer inventory slots?
Once you unlock the first 25 slots in your regular inventory, you will automatically get 5 slots in the Producer Inventory. To get even more...
What does the green checkmark next to items in the Shop mean?
The green checkmark found on items in the Shop shows you the items (and the amount of those) you need in order to complete active tasks. Thi...
Where is my Supercell ID reward?
The Supercell ID reward is a statue that can be placed right between the Mansion and the Garage. To change your decoration to this statue, s...
Landing Room Producer: Wooden Crate
Once you enter the Landing Room, you will find a Wooden Crate that contains items you need to progress in this area. The Wooden Crate produc...
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