Claim the Event Entrance, put it on your Board, then tap on it to begin playing the Secret Supply Event. You will initially have 10 Mystery Tokens, which is the currency that appears at the top of your screen along with your normal Coin and Gem balances. One token can be used to play one game on the Secret Supply machine.

To get started, press the Green Button in the lower part of the screen. One Battery will be deducted from your Balance each time you press this button. The machine will then turn on and items will begin to fall out of the pipe. When similar items are dropped, they instantly merge, and once they are merged up to the maximum level they disappear and award you with points. Although you can click the button multiple times, if the machine overheats, you will have to start a new game using another token. The objective is for you to fulfil your existing Outstanding Order before the machine overheats and the orders can be found in the menu at the bottom right of the screen. One of your outstanding orders will always be an Event Points goal that you have to reach.